Our Services

Community Building

It's about modifying the relationship your customers have with your company and inspiring them to connect with and for you.

Token Nektar understands the unlimited potential value a community can bring to an organization. New business, advocacy, exposure, and powerful relationships all come from not viewing your users as customers, but as partners in your community. As a community grows, the value of that community grows exponentially, as does the value of the brand they support.

What we have done is perfected a whole host of community growth strategies that multiply the benefits of traditional marketing techniques. With proven blueprints and previous successes, We bring experience and the ability to execute on a custom community growth plan that fits your project’s niche.


“Your Token is your company's sugar-rich Nektar at the center.Your customers are the  pollinators, a community spreading your value, and when the right incentives are applied, they will protect and supercharge your growth.”

Project tokens are simultaneously the glue that brings your customers together, and the incentive that turns those customers into a powerful community. Financial incentive and the potential of growth are amazingly effective at not only motivating customers to engage, but to collaborate and provide value to the community. Being a token holder in your project should mean they are all fighting for a mission, a purpose, and feel a part of something bigger than themselves. When your project achieves this level of unity, growth will come in abundance.

Strategic Optimization

“Adaptation and execution are what enable business to grow in the good time, and survive in the rough times.”

A good idea without execution does not have much value. We have seen time and time again projects dying on the vine from lack of execution. Strategic optimization allows us to keep the pressure on teams to make forward progress. We want to be partners in your success and push your teams to decide and implement efficiently. Every plan requires adaptation and we are quick on our feet to keep your business on track from success.

Partner Engagement

“ You have to show people what they want.”

Your business has most likely put in a tremendous amount of work to build your product and services. To grow you must let the world know whatever you have to offer! Over the last 5 years we have built relationships with the largest crypto/web3 influencers through previous projects and agreements. Sometimes making the meeting is the hardest part, and we are are here to help! Strategically partnering with the major voices in the industry can lead to massive new business.